Speaking Engagements


CASL: Preparing for the Expiry of Transitional Provisions
Canadian Marketing Association’s Webinar
April 26, 2017

CASL Compliance - Software Installations
What’s Trending Now in Digital Advertising & Marketing Law Seminar
February 28, 2017

Canadian Marketing Association’s CASL Workshop
February 16, 2017

Viewing and Being Viewed - Minimize Digital Risk
Lexpert Information Privacy & Data Protection Conference
December 1, 2016

Law in the Digital Age
FACL Annual Conference
October 29, 2016

The 7 Step Information Security Compliance Program
Retail Council of Canada’s Loss Prevention Conference
September 29, 2016

Legal Considerations Regarding the Use of Electronic Contracts and Signatures Updated 2016
LSUC Solo and Small Firm Conference 2016: Strategies for Success
June 9, 2016

Legal Considerations Regarding the Use of Electronic Contracts
The Six-Minute Business Lawyer 2014
June 9, 2014

Privacy Breach Guidelines & Practices
5th Managing Privacy Compliance Course
Federated Press
March 29, 2012

Electronic Contracts: Click Wrap and Browse Wrap Agreements
The Legal and Practical Guide to Protecting Your Brand on the Web and in Social Media
Osgoode Professional Development
September 26, 2011

Privacy and Outsourcing
Lexpert’s Information Privacy and Data Protection Conference
November 2010

Service Level Agreements in Hosted Software Services (SaaS) Agreements
Acetech Roundtable
November 2010

The Benefits and Risks of Outsourcing
Paper presented to the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association
National Spring Conference
April 2010